Salisbury Square Development

For those that use screen readers an accessible-friendly PDF of the early vision document presented in phase one is available and can be downloaded by clicking here.

Salisbury Square Development

The City of London Corporation has identified a unique opportunity to create modern facilities for both the City of London Police and Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) in the heart of the historic Square Mile.


On Thursday 22 April 2021, a special planning sub-committee of the City Corporation approved resolution to grant planning permission and listed building consent for the Salisbury Square Development. You can still view our plans on ‘The Salisbury Square Development’ page and contact us through the ‘Contact uspage.

Project overview

The Salisbury Square Development in EC4, was previously known as the Fleet Street Estate project. Whilst the name has changed, the Salisbury Square Development will deliver a new, purpose-built 18-courtroom legal facility called the City of London Law Courts and an industry leading City of London police headquarters equipped to combat amongst other things, fraud and economic crime across the UK.

Built to the highest industry standards when it comes to accessibility and sustainability, the Salisbury Square development will be a significant addition to the already world-leading legal capabilities of the UK. In addition, the scheme will:

2,100 jobs

Be a civic hub for justice, policing and commercial activity, supporting 2,100 jobs directly;

£51 million

Generate around £51 million per year once complete and operational;

c.£10 million

Generate c.£10 million in productivity benefits (GVA) per year during construction;

400 new jobs

Create around 400 brand new jobs in the City of London and an estimated 280 more through the supply chain and related economic activity;

£5.4 million

Generate in excess of £5.4 million per annum in business rates receipts for the public purse of which approximately £1.6 million could be retained by the City Corporation for investment in local spaces and services;

150 direct construction jobs

Create 150 direct construction jobs through the life of the build and a further 80 jobs through the supply chain;

Key role in the future of Fleet Street

Play a key role in the future of Fleet Street as a thriving part of the historic Square Mile, especially as part of the to be formed Fleet Street Business Improvement District;

Enhanced and enlarged

An enhanced and enlarged Salisbury Square and creation of new pedestrian routes through the site, providing high quality hard and soft landscaping.

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